All About Me!

Hola! This page is all about me! Which doesn’t really make it all that special, as this whole blog is about me. I am apparently a raging narcissist, so allow me to enjoy some more time devoted to my favorite topic… MOI!

If you haven’t already guessed, I love cats. I think they are the most wonderful bits of fluff. I enjoy being judged for any manner of things by creatures that lick their own butts.

Also, cats probably won’t sue for likeness rights. If they could, I would exploit them further by becoming the worst showbiz mom since Natalie Wood’s. “My cats called a lawyer to pursue litigation against me, your kids blow snot bubbles. SUCK IT!! Doesn’t the tiny butterfly look sad with no wings? CRY!!!!”

I am in my mid to late twenties and will probably be checking that box for the next 30 years. Or until we run out of botox.


Enjoy my regular brain-dumps… I do!

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